Thursday, October 19, 2017


IF the human race and nations and governments were truly sane and civilized, ... then.....

* ​ poverty would have been eliminated and millions of children and adults would not be starving to death annually, yes ? ... I'm talking about REAL sanity.
* nations would not be spending TRILLIONS of dollars a year on "necessary" military expenditures and wars and "intelligence-gathering agencies" like the CIA, the KGB, M-6, the Mossad, etc. etc.
Notice please I said TRILLION$ of dollars. TRILLIONS.
* crime, - and especially violent crime would be eliminated and there would be no dire need to spend hundred & hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars on jails, prisons, police forces, and an overloaded judicial system trying desperately to "get at the truth" and then dispense justice.

IF the world were, in fact, truly sane and civilized...then...
* all people would be taught decent human, Christian values and how to apply them.
* all people would be taught basic parenting skills and how to properly discipline their children so that they do not grow-up joining "gangs" or becoming insane criminals and drug-dealers with no respect for Law and governing authority (including elders).
* IN A SANE WORLD, children would be tested every 3 or 4 years in order to discern their main abilities and aptitudes, and then encouraging them to be trained and educated in where they are strongest and most able. - this includes vocational training.
* IN A TRULY SANE WORLD people would learn early on the vital and over-riding truth that respect and reverence for Life and the planet is the essential duty of every human being.
* and perhaps most of all: people would learn (beginning at age 1 to 100) that love, caring, empathy, and kindness are to be valued and rewarded above all else in Life, - for THIS AND THIS ALONE is what makes us truly human with the spark, the flame, and Light of the Divine within.
Let us therefore do our best to make the world (and our own personal world) SANE & CIVILIZED until Jesus comes back (as promised) and makes all this (and much more) fully manifest upon the earth.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


IF the human race and nations and governments were truly sane and civilized, ... then.....
* ​ poverty would have been eliminated and millions of children and adults would not be starving to death annually, yes ? ... I'm talking about REAL sanity.
* nations would not be spending TRILLIONS of dollars a year on "necessary" military expenditures and wars and "intelligence-gathering agencies" like the CIA, the KGB, M-6, the Mossad, etc. etc.
Notice please I said TRILLION$ of dollars. TRILLIONS.
* crime, - and especially violent crime would be eliminated and there would be no dire need to spend hundred & hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars on jails, prisons, police forces, and an overloaded judicial system trying desperately to "get at the truth" and then dispense justice.

IF the world were, in fact, truly sane and civilized...then...
* all people would be taught decent human, Christian values and how to apply them.
* all people would be taught basic parenting skills and how to properly discipline their children so that they do not grow-up joining "gangs" or becoming insane criminals and drug-dealers with no respect for Law and governing authority (including elders).
* IN A SANE WORLD, children would be tested every 3 or 4 years in order to discern their main abilities and aptitudes, and then encouraging them to be trained and educated in where they are strongest and most able. - this includes vocational training.
* IN A TRULY SANE WORLD people would learn early on the vital and over-riding truth that respect and reverence for Life and the planet is the essential duty of every human being.
* and perhaps most of all: people would learn (beginning at age 1 to 100) that love, caring, empathy, and kindness are to be valued and rewarded above all else in Life, - for THIS AND THIS ALONE is what makes us truly human with the spark, the flame, and Light of the Divine within.

Let us therefore do our best to make the world (and our own personal world) SANE & CIVILIZED until Jesus comes back (as promised) and makes all this (and much more) fully manifest upon the earth.

~ Len Hummel, 2/8/2017 ~
Cebu City, Philippines
Clearlight Ministries International
* Jeremiah 9:23-26 *
video channel:

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

  Lynne's Testimony portion on a Divine Visitation of the Lord Yeshuah/Jesus early in her walk as a Christian...
After I finally got enough rest I started studying for my Sunday school lesson. The teacher’s manual directed me to read the book of Esther in the Old Testament. I had never read this beautiful and inspiring story of a lady who was used to save her people from destruction. I was very touched by this Bible story and prayed that God might be pleased to use me in some small way. As I prayed and earnestly sought the Lord, I sensed an awesome presence of the Lord in the room where I was. Even in this house where I had also seen and sensed the powers of darkness operating, I could now greatly and unmistakably sense the power of GOD and the holiness of His Presence. Immediately, I got on my face and started to worship Jesus. His presence was very real and strong as I lay face-down on the floor. Then I raised my head and looked up. There, just a few feet in front of me stood the Saviour. It was Jesus! How do I know it was Jesus? He needs no introduction! His feet were like brass; He had sandals that were laced up His legs. He had on a long white linen garment of the finest linen I had ever seen. Across His chest down to His waist was a golden breastplate of the finest, purest gold I had ever seen. It was made in a ‘fleur de les’ design, and it was all so stunningly beautiful and awesome to behold! Jesus was just as John the beloved disciple had described Him in the book of Revelation. (tho I had not gotten that far in reading the Bible yet, so I didn’t know about that description until later)

I looked down at the floor and cried out, “Your righteousness, Lord, is too much for me!” I felt like a filthy rage at His feet. He didn’t come to make me feel that way but the holiness that radiated from His whole being would make any mere human feel that way.

He spoke two words to me and only two,“Look up!” I answered, “I can’t Lord, Your righteousness is too much for me.” Then He spoke again, “LOOK UP!” This time His voice was like John had described it, "as the sound of many waters," with such overwhelming power and authority that I could not resist it. Then I looked up at the face of JESUS.

His hair was white, like wool, it reached His shoulders. His face shown with the glory and light of God and was so very bright and radiant that there was a thin veil suspended in mid-air between myself and His face, because I believe the brightness of His countenance would have literally blinded me. As He looked at me I felt a power of GREAT LOVE flooding my entire being; my broken heart was being healed. The balm of Gilead was being poured out upon me. My inner man was being strengthened with a healing power I had never known. All my fears were overcome as I beheld the majesty and power of the Creator and Lord of all. What a change was taking place inside of me! I knew that I would truly never be the same.

The visitation from the Lord only lasted a few moments and then He vanished from my physical sight but never ever from my memory. His words, “Look up!” have remained as my guide all my days from then even to this very moment. You can’t see Him, Jesus, The LORD YESHUA, in His magnificent glory, power and holiness and remain the same. I, who was so weak emotionally, so broken, wounded and rejected, who had been so sinful was touched eternally and irrevocably by one look from the Saviour Who literally upholds all things by the power of HIS WORD.

After the visitation and vision of Jesus I couldn’t sleep. My thoughts were overwhelmed with awe of what I had seen and experienced. When I finally was able to settle down for some sleep the strange noises and door slamming, etc. started to happen again and more than the night before and continued until dawn. Exhausted because of no sleep I took my few belongings and left the house and went and parked in front of Pastor Spann’s home. I fell asleep in my car. When I awoke and knew that the Spann’s were also awake I asked if I could come back and said that I’d rather sleep in my car than stay in the other home. I was accepted and also told that they knew that the house had spirits and groups from the church had gone there before to pray over that house. I was a little upset that they had not warned me first of this but I thought that maybe the Lord wanted me there, alone, so He could visit me as He did and touch me wonderfully with His Love. In any case, I had a new understanding of the power of the evil one but more than that I also had seen and experienced the glory and power of God in Jesus Christ, the eternal and risen Saviour.


What you will find below as a follow-up to all this is some of the main
research I have done on this particular area that has truly enormous implications: It is in regards to GOD GIVING CLEAR SIGNS AND INDICATIONS that Yeshua WAS THE FINAL SACRIFICE FOR SINS and that HaShem WAS NO LONGER HONORING THE OLD ORDER OF EVENTS that required animal-blood sacrifices in the Temple. The clear implications of what the Talmud commentary in Yoma 39:b states is that during THE 40 YEAR PERIOD between the death of Yeshua (30 AD) and the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem (in 70 AD) was accompanied by the remarkable signs clearly indicated in the below quotes and research. Look it over carefully for yourself, ... you will not find a more remarkable and dramatic testimony to THE HISTORIC SIGNFICIANCE of the death of The Lamb of GOD . . .and it is found in the historic commentaries of the Talmud itself, - a source of great hostility to the messianic claims of Yeshua, the Messiah.

Everyone is urged to investigate these things for themselves...

B.R. Burton

The Talmud, a gigantic library of ancient Rabbinic commentary, is composed of the Mishnah, a legal commentary on the Torah codified around 120 AD, and the Gemara, a commentary on the Mishnah, which was finalized around 400 - 500AD. A multitude, if not a majority, of the traditions recorded in these texts, however, existed in the time of Yeshua, and represent major influential currents in the theology of Judaism in the Second Temple period. As such, the Talmud is very helpful in the study of the New Testament. In recent years, a flurry of modern scholarship, both Jewish and Christian, has rapidly developed in this field, and numerous articles and books have been published on the subject. Contained within the Talmud, and even throughout the entire scope of Rabbinic literature, a large number of striking parallels to the New Testament emerge, illuminating the ancient understanding of the teachings of Yeshua of Nazareth, and opening a window into the text of the Gospels and writings of Shaul of Tarsus. In the midst of this connection between the Talmud and the New Testament, a scarlet thread has ignited a new facet of an ancient debate.

The controversial scarlet thread figures prominently in the center of miraculous events that took place in the Second Temple. The Talmud records the Yom Kippur Temple ritual concerning the thread, and the miracles surrounding it:
"R. Nahman b. Isaac said it was the tongue of scarlet’, as it has been taught: ‘Originally they used to fasten the thread of scarlet on the door of the [Temple] court on the outside.28 If it turned white the people used to rejoice,29 and if it did not turn white they were sad. They therefore made a rule that it should be fastened to the door of the court on the inside. People, however, still peeped in and saw, and if it turned white they rejoiced and if it did not turn white they were sad. They therefore made a rule that half of it should be fastened to the rock and half between the horns of the goat that was sent [to the wilderness]’. . . . If you assume It was R. Johanan b. Zaccai [who made the rule], was there in the days of R. Johanan b. Zaccai a thread of scarlet [which turned white]? Has it not been taught: ‘R. Johanan b. Zaccai lived altogether a hundred and twenty years. For forty years he was in business, forty years he studied, and forty years he taught’, and it has further been taught: ‘For forty years before the destruction of the Temple {30AD to 70AD} the thread of scarlet never turned white but it remained red’. Further, the statement of the Mishnah is, ‘After the destruction of the Temple R. Johanan b. Zaccai made a rule’. [What says] the other [to this]? — During those forty years that he studied his status was that of a disciple sitting before his teacher, and he would offer a suggestion and make good his reasons."

(28) After the High Priest had performed the service on the Day of Atonement. V. Yoma, 67a.

(29) This being a sign that their sins had been forgiven.
Rosh HaShanah 31b, Babylonian Talmud, Soncino Press Edition

Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement, is the holiest day in all of Judaism, and was central to the kapparah (covering) of the sins of Israel. The scarlet thread, as explained in the above passage, miraculously turned white if Adonai accepted the sacrifice, thus indicating that He forgave the sins of the people. If the thread did not turn white, then they were sad, as their sins were not forgiven.
This section in the Talmud divides this time into three periods of 40 years, coinciding with the life of Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai. A similar division of years is applied to Moshe, Rabbi Leading up to the last set of forty years when the scarlet thread ceased altogether, the miracle sporadically occurred.

What is extremely significant, or "coincidental", is that the Second Temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. Yeshua of Nazareth, whom a first-century apocalyptic sect of Judaism believed was the Messiah, was crucified circa 30 AD. The "coincidence" is now obvious, the scarlet thread finally ceased turning white at the time Yeshua was crucified.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Remember and bear in mind that language (as it has evolved) is a human and Divine means of communicating via symbols and spoken sounds, - language is a means of communicating knowledge, insight, reality, understanding, and Life. - language can be a prison and very limiting, ... but it also brings a real and useful order out of chaos and darkness and ignorance {ie/that which is without Light or Understanding}.
For instance: names bring a certain identity and meaning with them.
ULTIMATE meaning Is GOD Himself, - THE GROUND OF ALL BEING and The Moral Center of the Universe. {"moral" being THAT which orders all relationships rightly and in the beauty of harmony, not in chaos or mere randomness and seeming meaninglessness}

Now having said that as an introduction, what follows is ONLY for
those who can receive it. - for those who LOVE THE NAME and
PERSON OF GOD/G-ah-d, and who are not adverse to knowing
and meditating (that is: carefully reflecting) upon His Holy Name,
and those who (most of all) will only speak or write (or even think or reflect upon) His Name with true reverence and the honor due His Holy Name and Person.
Love Him, fear Him, worship Him, honor Him
above all else and all others.
*Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; 3:14.

"HE ALONE Which hath immortality, and ALONE can impart this to any other being..." {2 Timothy 6:15-16; Jude, 24-25}
you desire immortality and eternal life ? HONOR HIM above all else and above all others. "...for HE Is thy LORD: worship thou Him."
Now, regarding THE AWESOME NAME OF THE ETERNAL AND HOLY GOD of Heaven and earth..... His Name has been hidden and obscured by satan and carnal men for many many centuries.
First things first: "ha" and "ah" are directly related as the shortened form of "Yah"{which means essentialy: "THE ETERNAL, THE BEGINNING & GROUND OF ALL BEING"}
"ha" = "the" or "THE".
"ah" = "Yah".
F ahther-G-ah-d. Ahbah Fahther.
Yahu-ah - Yahu-ah - Yah Ovah-Yah ahvah:
meaning: "THE ETERNAL SUPREME BEING and Creator/Fahther of Divine Love." {ie/ His Esscnce}

THE THREE DIVINE PERSONS within The Godhead under the supremacy of THE FAHTHER:
1 Yah ahvrah-I Am-ahvah. - referred to also as YahOvah.
2 Yah ahvahshuah ha mah shE-yahch.
3 Yah ahvahshammah {THE Ruach haKOdesh}

THE NAME hidden in plain site, yet obscured by carnal men and those of limited love and understanding:
James = Jacob = Yahcov
Israel - Y'israel = YaHisrael...or: YaHis rI eL.
Jerusalem = Yahrushalem.{Yahrushah-lem}
*See: Daniel 9:19b*

More insight:

Mt. ZI-Yahn
Mt. MOrI-Yah

Yahm Kippur ... Yahm = "day" or "light"
ahvraham. sarah.
Adam = adahmah.
Joshuah, Jeshuah = Yahshuah. Yeshuah.
Isaiah = IzA-yah
Jeremiah = Yer rah mI-yah
Zechariah = ZecharI-yah
Zephaniah = ZephanI-yah
Nehemiah = NE-yah-mI-yah
Hosea = HO sA-yah
Judah = YA hudah ... or: Yahu-dah !
Hezah-chI-yah. YOsI-yah. Elijah-EL I-Yahu.
DAvid = DahvEd.
are you beginning to SEE His Name ? ... yes, it has been somewhat hidden or just "beneath the surface", but ALWAYS THERE right in plain sight.
Remember: "ahvah" means in essence: Divine Love.
ha ahvah ! Yah-ahvah ! hah lah lu Yah ! - always give Him the glory due His Name.

Friday, April 22, 2016

If I had A FINAL MESSAGE to share with the world, IT WOULD BE THIS:

If I had a final message to share with the world, ... IT WOULD BE THIS . . .
RE: The Awesome, Glorious Nature of The Triune Godhead:
Yahu-ah - Yah Ovah-Yah ahvah. - The Moral Center of the universe and all that is created: both seen and unseen, known and unknown.
The first thing that needs to be understood is That within The Eternal Godhead There Is A Perfect Oneness of Love, Trust, Fidelity, Will, Purpose, and BEing.
there is no "yin-yang".
no "male-female".
no "this or that" in opposition or disharmony or "conflict of interest".
But rather
WHAT IS within The G-ah-dhead Is Perfect Harmony of the IDEAL attributes of
* masculine {ahvraham, Yahcov, Moses, David, *Yeshuah*}
* the feminine {Miriam, Hannah, Deborah, Abigail, Ruth, Naomi}.
GOD Is Pure Truth, Holy, Righteous Moral Purity
That Is saturated through and through with Divine Light and Love
That Is Good, Gracious, and Just.
creation, however, - which is GOD bringing Life and creation into being, creation required from the very beginning the gift and sacrifice of creating individuals, - sentient beings, - spirits and souls with a will and capacity to choose *even* whether to love or honor GOD, their Creator.
The great "mystery of iniquity" is this: WHY??? would any angel or son or daughter of Fahther-G-ah-d willfully want, desire, or choose opposition to or open defiance of GOD and His Authority ???
The answer is, (as far as I can understand or ascertain) the answer is the seducing sin and temptation of pride, self-exaltation, eg0, self-will, envy, and the desire for a false freedom or "liberty" OUTSIDE of the Wise and Righteous protection, harmony, and boundaries of GOD'S Moral Law and Authority.
In GOD's universe and Kingdom: HE makes the Rules and HE enforces them: both with reward ... and consequences.
He sitteth upon His Throne, and "all things are before His Face."
As it is sometimes said, "man proposes (and chooses), and then GOD disposes {dispenses the results}."
~ Ecclesiastes 12:7, and verses 13-14; also: chapter 3, verse14.

Life, (especially human life) is very complicated and conflicted. it is much like (in essence) a flowing river and the floating, drifting ever-changing clouds and sky. ..... it is much also like the bird seeking its food and a mate and nourishment also for their young-dependents waiting eagerly for their care.
but beyond that, humankind has this darkness of self-desire, selfish-willfulness, and even destructiveness that defiles nearly everything.

What can be done to overcome this terrible dilemma and bring redemption and transformation ?
HE did it.
Redemption opened the Door to confession, repentance, forgiveness and inner-transformation
by the Power of the Gospel
and the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
Understand this great Truth: we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit, - The True Temple of GOD{YHVH}, - a Temple made without hands.
His final goal and resting place is YaHisraeL and Yahrushalem/YahrooshaLOm.
Life, - as G-ah-d created it, - is beautiful: a gift, - truly a gift.
but the world of sin, the world of men and miseries and violence, - yes, - even much of *nature*, - "thre natural-world under the sun" is ruthless, violent and treacherous. often VERY treacherous. - its once pristine beauty and harmony has been severely twisted, corrupted and defiled by the sin and betrayal of lucifer/satan, eve, and adam {the first earthly son of GOD}.
The *betrayal* of Love and Truthe is at the heart of every misery and curse that has come upon creation, fallen angels, and fallen humanity.
do *you* know the way out of this very real dilemma and moral defilement ?
"I AM The Way,
The Truthe and
The LIFEternal.
*no one* is reconciled to GOD The Father
except by (and through) Me."
{paraphrasing precisely what Yeshuah/Jesus said about Himself and reconciliation/salvation}

For you see:
*He paid the ransom price.*
He paid the debt *IN FULL*.
we owe Him everything.
and that involves a full transfer of ownership:
Yeshuah, The Saviour becomes LORD & KING.

- photos and images that point to TRUTH.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

you need to see this: a VERY important and astounding testimony that may well prove to be true:
amazing excerpt of testimony of a young Israeli boy, Natan, who had a near-death (and an out-of-body) experience of going to Heaven and receiving revelation regarding what happens in the LAST DAYS.....
This is an excerpt from a very extraordinary testimony: Rabbi Rami Levy interviews 15 year old Israeli boy, Natan, w/English Subtitles - This is a clear and bold testimony about The End of Days coming very soon.
additional links are found here:
Tho we may not agree entirely with ALL of this now very famous "visitation to heaven" and prophetic insight, this may very well be a prophetic warning of what is soon coming upon Israel and THE WHOLE WORLD...
above all:
PRAY for the Remnant of Israel - Y'israel, *and* for the Remnant of GOD's people in all nations.
Yeshuah is the Savior-Redeemer and Messiah of Israel and the world. {or what will remain of it AFTER the Judgments of Almighty GOD, - Yahu-ah YahOvah-Yah ahvah !}
 Here also is an in depth study {including the videos and transcripts} of what the 15 year old Israeli boy, Natan, had to share with Israel and the world just this past October, 2015 ...
RE:The Amazing prophetic vision of Natan

Friday, August 14, 2015

THREE POEMS you NEED to read, see, and FEEL...

THREE POEMS you NEED to read, see, and FEEL...

*a poem & thought I HAD to write out and send out to my fellow man...*

I cannot help but weep & weep & weep for the oceans ... and all the wonderful little living, striving, dying creatures THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS ENORMOUS ATROCITY !  dolphins especially, - so free, so beautiful and full of laughter !

What can we DO about this ongoing and accelerating POISONING OF THE PLANET we live on as A GIFT ???!!! poisoning of the food-chain, the destruction of Mother earth ! *WHAT CAN and MUST we do ?*

* Inform everyone you can.
* DEMAND that nuclear radiation CEASE as a means of toxifying and  destroying  earth, water, and atmosphere !
* DEMAND facts and accept NO excuses. ZERO excuses.

PRAY. yes. but get actively involved also, ... because *THIS is about LIFE and the future of all life on this planet. - make no mistake: THOSE are the actual stakes.*
*Even if it appears to be too late to win: DO SOMETHING.*
*ODE TO MOTHER EARTH: 2011-2016, ... and yes, it is very very late* . . .
what is more beautiful than a wholly white polar bear and her playful cubs?
who out-sings the sweet morning song of the skylark and the robin ?
do you love also the living sea, that vast vast ocean and her teeming life
that sounds forth the heartbeat of her rhythmic waves
from the beginnings of time ?
tell me,
do you love her ? do you mourn for her ?

the deer, the doe, the buck and coyote
have not yet disappeared. they peer back at us with eyes that somehow dimly understand the gravity of their soon and rushing demise. 
*look  look  look what we have done.*(!)

*no. no. no!!! I say. draw the line NOW 
and don't back down 
ever EVER again.*
for  GOD, mostly unnamed, misnamed & unknown,
looks down with a heavy, mournful and raging heart
that Will hold every human life and soul accountable
for how His earth and gift of Life has been treated
since everything went far far south and
East of Eden.

rage on, then, weary warriors.
mother earth, I say,  is fully WORTH the battle and the scars.
I stand with you. I stand with you & sweet Mother earth until this breath and all strength with it is given back to the Amazing Creator Who brought her forth, ... and along with her, you & i and all that we could ever hold dear.

remember this also: GOD IS WATCHING, ... and keeping a perfect record of who does what and who does nothing.

"a thought poem", - a sweeping Truth that came to me this morning via inspiration and then written out almost word-for-word exactly as it is found here:
thought poem: Timelessness
many many many did not know or figure
that mortality, entropy, death
was and is [sometimes sudden; sometimes a clumsy] transition
to a higher
or lower
form of frequency of thought, perception, experience, existence and ... Life.

yes. religion (along with many things)
was & is a form of escape,
but concepts and dreams and dogmas are  (mostly hidden) metaphors
for the inevitable transition
and a "move" into a far greater reality than this one.

hell is too horrible to long contemplate, so let us leave that, for now, and think and consider
and the seven (and many) wonders thereof . . .
* THERE IS no perception (or threat) of "the passage of time."
 time does not exist There as we "know it" here.
*  everything is NOW and the flawless Ideal and Peacefull Flowing Balance among all living beings who dwell There.
* love and joy are married in every relationship.
* we will {within the boundaries of GOD'S Moral Universe} and it is manifest immediately or "soon" for our enjoyment.
* we learn & live wisdom & truth.  knowledge is merely a means of applying the will in wisdom.
Above all:
* death & darkness has been swallowed up in victory by the Victorious Messiah-Redeemer. 
all know it. all HONOR that Great Truth.
*  THE LIGHT OF MESSIAH Yahshuah/Yeshuah/YAhOshuah and His Will IS THE CENTER of all. 
* Yah ahvahshuah and YahOvah-Yah ahvah Rule Supreme as King and Creator of all that Is:
and hell.

hell? GOD created hell ? 
yes. for the d/evil & his demons... and those who choose
their ways.
it was created as prison & punishment
for devils, goats, tares, darkness, and nephilim:
it is, in fact, the final captivity
and destiny of their choices.

we do not, of course, want to think much about hell.
it is a place without THE LIGHT or comfort of Love
or The Presence of GOD.  it is, in truth, *the absence of GOD* in the Light of His Countenance and Favor.
it is banishment. a casting out and a casting forth
headlong into the absolute baseness, - horrendously devoid of character or Moral Order.
it is dimly & truly reflected here in the squalor & curse of poverty,
ghettos, prisons, solitary confinement, and the pain of isolation and loneliness.
hell is the polar opposite of Heaven.
(but then: you knew that. ... only that so many ASSUME neither {place} exists because they do not see radio waves or the results of the WIFI, ... yes?)

but dreams and earthly life dimly reflect BOTH.

Heaven is for those who forsake sin and the ways of the world for A FAR BETTER WORLD where Rules The Moral Law and Beauty of The King.

Please understand: choices have been made
in Heaven
and on and in earth.
where you go in the transition
depends upon who and what you love and choose HERE.
Do not, do not, do NOT reject The Light of the world, -
The Savior Who was willing to sacrifice Himself
to cover the sins and the hell that you and i deserve.

against sin.

the temporal consequences belong to all upon the earth.
eternal reward/recompense [whether in Heaven or hell]
belongs to those who prove themselves over & over
as to what Sspirit they are of.
and, as The Master said so well and very clearly,
"the tree is known by its fruit."

and then finally...
RANDOM THOUGHTS WORTH PONDERING when you have time to reflect a bit...

"When it's all been said and done: we are all going to wish we had DONE MORE ... and SAID LESS." ~ Anonymous
(this one just stuck in my mind first time I heard it) ... it's quoted also in my little booklet distributed all over the place, titled: WISDOM FOR THE WISE.

* DEFINE GOD. research that thoroughly based upon much reading, research, REALITY & observation.
Then define GOD more precisely, ... and LIVE BY that defining Truth.

* GOD Is The Perfect Idea and Ideal, and is the defining standard for everything right & righteous & pure.
GOD Is Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer, and Judge.
GOD Is Holy. ... and what does "Holy" mean ?
pure radiant white-Light, flawless,
morally perfect in every way, pure & righteous
in thought, will, word, and deed.

"In HIM is no darkness at all, nor shadow of turning."

HE IS, therefore, Holy in Moral Purity and Forever in the fullness of Truthe.
Holy Love. Divine Love.

It is important to understand that GOD demands or requires that we honor Him
and do not dishonor or disobey Him and His rules governing HIS Creation and HIS universe. - this is called "The Wisdom of the Reverential Fear of THE LORD." - the Proverbs, in fact, refers to this as "THE BEGINNING of wisdom..." 

as you honor Him, you are blest.
when we (or you) dishonor Him: you will be shamed, condemned, and yes: punished. {especially for willful disobedience} - and this according to the degree of the sin or transgression or offense.

* Now think: what are the worst sins?
betrayal. treachery. malice. cruelty. violence against another without real due cause. hate. anger. murder. rape. child-molestation (ie/defilement of the innocent). lust for power and self-exaltation above others and even above GOD !
The worst sin ? - the willful betrayal of GOD, The Beneficent Ruling King & Creation, and open defiance of His Rulership and Moral Authority.

GOD IS ETERNAL, WHO ALONE can impart immortality to soul and body.
GOD IS INFINITE Spirit, Will, & Being.
Infinite Consciousness & Wisdom.
Omnipresent/everywhere present BY HIS SPIRIT,
Omniscient, - which means He knows everything about everything and everybody in one effortless instant of PURE PERCEPTION & UNDERSTAND.
without beginning OR end.
The Alpha & the Omega in time, space, and creation.
GOD also, in my view, observations, and understanding, GOD also transcends time, words, and mere human concepts. Therefore, we should rightly stand (and kneel) in AWE of GOD in that He is far beyond the finite and the created world, including humans.
G-ah-d. ELOHEEM: 
THE LORD GOD YahOvah-Yah ahvah:
YahwA ~ YahvA ~ YahOvah-Yah ahvah !
