Thursday, July 21, 2011

who am i ??? and other thoughts worth thinking . . .

a little poem I recently wrote 

in answer to a major question . . .

who am i ?
i am the one that nobody knew
except for a sneer
or a glimpse or two.

i am a poor man

of dust and ashes,

raised from the dead

by The One the world still trashes.

i am Hiservant:

Yeshua, THe King.

i am a soul

made His praises to sing.

i am.

HE IS. THEternaL I AM.

and all belong to HIm,

and to HIM shall all stand

and kneel

and give a perfect accounting ... IN HIS DAY.

all. every spirit. every soul. 

forget about me, my friend, my friend:

next to to HIM,


Oh! only to be found IN HIM ! ... for
HE IS thy God and thy Saviour.
He Is thy King:
worship thou Him.
Here also are the 7 questions GOD spoke to me about that must

 be answered perfectly before you are REALLY smart and wise

 in His Eyes . . . anyone is welcome to take their "best shot" at

 it. ... :^)

... they are well worth contemplating...

1) Who/What are you ?
2) Why are you here ?
3) Where did you come from ?
4) Where are you going ?
5) Why does anything or anyone exist ?
6) Why does evil and suffering exist ?
7) Why is the world in the horrendous mess it's in, and why is

there so much confusion and conflict ?
(there is, of course, much more that could be said even on the

 first question. I have merely given my initial answer in the

 form of a poem) 

Shalom to those who love peace and pursue it.

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